Monday, June 30, 2008

july 1 and july 4

This Tuesday, we're playing at Trailside Elementary, found up Abbott Road. Here's a link to to find the school playgrounds.

July 4th is Be with Your Family Day (ie we're not meeting, just in case you were wondering =) )

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Friday June 27 Change

Hi ladies,

Cathy's kids have the stomach flu, so we've opted to not drive out there this Friday. (Poor mommy, it was her anniversary today!) Plan B is now to meet at my (Ruth) house at 10:30 and walk to Hamilton Park. From there, we can take turns staying with kids and walking to Bell's Nursery to inhale the beauty of fresh plants, gorgeous housewares, and delicious coffee. I'm going to bring a picnic lunch for my kids, there's picnic tables and lots of green grass, plus a preschool sized playground. If you need directions to my house, call me 677-1464.

FYI, if you want something for free, come to my blog and sign up if it's something you're interested in. =) (I'll try to get it posted by 10:15 PM Thursday). Otherwise, you can just come see pictures of Baby Boy from the ultrasound earlier this month.

Monday, June 23, 2008

June 24 & 27

Tuesday's morning playtime 10:30 AM - Carlson Park

Head downtown on the highway
Turn right on Northern Lights
Turn right on Lake Otis
Turn right on Cornell Ct. ( it's not far, I think it's next to a church)
and then just go straight until you run into Stanford Dr. and the park.

Tuesday evening - leave your little ones at home and head over to Tami's house for dessert and adult conversation! 8 PM -????

Friday June 27th Palmer Picnic 10:00 - Meet at the Northway Mall parking lot
near Carrs. We will carpool/caravan to Cathy Watkins house and walk to a
really fun playground to play and eat. Any stroller will work and the
walk is only about 20 minutes.

Some Pictures

I enjoyed taking pictures of the kiddos last week! Here's some cute ones for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summers @ Tami's


We're still meeting at Tami's house for the summer, here's the details.

2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month / 8:00pm - ??? / Dessert, Coffee, Tea / Fellowship If you need directions, contact me or Tami. Hope we see each other there!

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 10 and June 13

Hi Ladies,

This Tuesday we're headed to Lyn Ary park, Foraker Dr. & Illiamna Ave. (N. Of Turnagain Pkwy). It has Coastal Trail, baby swings, play ship and climbing wall. I'll probably be there by 10:30, isn't that the "official" meeting time for the summer???? If you're like me and sometimes need help finding the parks, here's the muni's official map.

Friday's outing is Eagle River Nature Center. Meet at the Northway Mall parking
lot (Carrs) at 10 AM. We will carpool/caravan to the Nature Center to hike,
browse and picnic. Dirt trail is jogging stroller friendly. $5 parking fee.