Monday, May 19, 2008

This Week

Hi ladies,

We are meeting at the Fellowship Hall tomorrow for one last time (?) this spring, and the babysitter is coming! We're done with the study book, so come and enjoy each other's company.

Here's the info for the rest of this week and next:

Friday May 23 - 10:30 Hike at Kincaid - meet at the Chalet

Tuesday May 27 - 10:30 Klatt Elementary playground 11900 Puma St.

Friday May 30 - 10:30 Hike from Abbott Loop Community Park on Elmore
Rd. across from Coventry St.

I found a blog and website that I thought would encourage everyone, plus give us some ideas for this fall. On the website there are also some Christian heroes books; when we were sharing our books the other week, I mentioned that I'd love to find some like this, and the Lord showed me where! Isn't He great? Haven't ordered any yet, but know we know where to find them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to us

In honor of well, ourselves, we're meeting at Southside Bistro at 8 PM this evening (May 13) to enjoy some dessert together. Hope to see all of you there!