Monday, January 21, 2008

Tuesday January 22

Hello Girls! I hope everyone can join us on Tuesday at The Haven, Chapel's newest property. We'll be meeting at 10:00 am to discuss the direction of our group - new ideas for outings, activities, ways to keep each other accountable, getting to know one another better, and Bible Study. Please bring something to keep your kiddos busy and all your ideas. If you feel like baking or stopping by the grocery, bring something yummy to snack on. Coffee & Tea will be provided. See you there!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Tues January 8

Christmas is over. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Now life is back to a normal schedule, including Mom's Group. This week is a 2nd Tuesday, which means Fellowship Time. How about we let our little ones play in the Fellowship Hall (I know mine are a bit stir crazy from being indoors during this cold snap) and we just visit together? I'll bring a snack to share, you are welcome to do likewise. I'll have a sign up for leading/snacks/fellowship for the next few months. Next week, January 15, is the beginning of our Colossians study. It's in the same book as the Philippians study, so don't worry about needing to purchase another book. We still need 2 people to help with childcare, so go ahead and recruite! Even if you find someone that can only come once or twice, that would be great. And remember, there is monetary compensation plus a reward in heaven. =) Contact me if you have any questions, and Rachel too (she gets back on January 10th).