Monday, August 25, 2008

This Week's Tuesday Night Moms-Only!

For this week, let's get together and support Jenna Smith by attending her bridal shower at Jan Davis' home Tuesday night at 7:00pm! If you don't know Jenna, this could be a great time to meet her! :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

The rest of August and into September

Hi ladies,

I was out of town last week and forgot to update for this week, hope everyone had a good time Tuesday and today, wherever you met! Here's what I have for the rest of this month

August 25th BIG KID BLAST Meet at the Chapel Fellowship Hall for a
special party to send our older kids off to preschool or Kindergarten
with a bang!

Maria and Noah's Baby shower! Yippee!! 7 PM @ Kristi's house.

TUESDAY August 26th - Moms Only @ Tami's house, 8 PM. Leave the little ones with daddy or grandma and let's visit together.

FRIDAY August 29th Powerline Pass 10:30 - Meet at the Chapel parking lot to
caravan to the Glen Alps trailhead. We will hike Powerline Pass trail
and picnic on the way. The trail is jogging stroller friendly and easy
enough for a toddler. We might find blueberries too! Parking fee.

We'll have our first fall meeting on Tuesday September 2 at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We'll pass out the book The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson and set the schedule for the fall. Bring a snack to share. So far, no one has contacted me about babysitting/childcare, so please keep that in your prayers. I would like to order books ASAP, so contact me if you're going to participate. I'm not a mind reader! email or call 677-1464.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Mom's Only Nights"

Let's meet again at my (Tami's) house on Tuesdays!! The nights for this month is the 12th and 26th.!!! I've missed seeing everyone so I'm really looking forward to this! See you then!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Beginning of August activities

Hi Ladies,

WOW! The weather is beautiful today! We're meeting at the Chapel @ 10 AM and then driving to Girdwood to play at the big castle playground. Maybe we'll stop for ice cream afterwards.

Tuesday August 5th we'll play at Anchor Lutheran School - 8100 Arctic Blvd., between Dimond and 76th Ave. They have a nice playground with a car, sand play and swings.
Easy to find!

Friday August 8th is hiking at Campbell Creek 10:30 - Meet at the Campbell Creek Science
Center parking lot and we’ll hike to the creek, throw rocks and eat.
Jogging stroller friendly. The Science Center is off Elmore Rd Hiking there doesn't involve much up/down hills like other places around here, they have a nice walking path.

Looking ahead again - Here are some book ideas and I'm open to others.
The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver

Give me your input; I'd like to order the books by August 25th or so.